Articles for July 2022

Hair Restoration Surgeon doctors in Minnesota

When it comes to non-surgical hair restoration, you’ll want to know what your options are. The truth is there might be more options than you think. With that said, here are a few tips to help you find hair restoration options that don’t involve surgery.

Find An Expert

The very first thing you should do is research hair restoration surgeon doctors in the state of Minnesota. Surgeon doctors often offer non-surgical methods for restoring hair. They can also discuss the pros and cons of non-surgical and surgical methods.

First, choose an expert with plenty of experience. Experience shouldn’t be judged based on how long a hair restoration doctor has been in business. Instead, judge experience by how many clients the professional has worked with over the last 6-12 months. To get a better idea of the experience they possess, ask to see examples of their past work, such as a portfolio of the results they’ve helped their clients achieve.

Secondly, ask the hair restoration expert about after-care. The best doctors will advise you on what to do after you’ve received your non-surgical procedure. Different treatments requires different levels of care.

Finally, the best hair restoration professionals will go over all of the hair restoration options they offer. They’ll discuss the pros and cons of each method, as well as recommend which ones they think you should get. They may even go over their surgical options, but only if you inquire about them.

Non-surgical Options

You’ll want to know what the top non-surgical options are. There are many options and treatments out there. However, the best ones tend to be the following:

1. PRP Therapy- This is a procedure that stimulates hair growth by encouraging a number of growth factors that are found in our bloodstream. It consists of taking a patient’s platelet-rich plasma, or PRP for short. Once the plasma is collected, it’s injected into the scalp.

2. LLL Therapy- This is short for low level light therapy. The goal of this procedure is to improve blood flow to the scalp or within the scalp. Not only does this procedure has a good success rate of stimulating hair growth, but it does a good job at stopping hair loss.

3. Scalp Micropigmentation- This procedure involves tattooing the scalp. The dermis is tattooed, and the end result is hair loss being disguised. This procedure is increasingly becoming popular because it can deliver results that last for up to a decade.

4. Supplements- A hair restoration doctor might recommend specific supplements to their patients. However, if they do this they may recommend supplements alongside another procedure they offer. Everyone is different, which is why specialized supplements is not given to every patient.

Those are four popular hair restoration options. None of them require surgery. However, each one does come with their own set of pros and cons. Discuss what they are with a professional before deciding which one to get.


Finally, price is important when deciding which hair restoration treatment you should receive. Don’t go for the cheapest one solely because it’s the cheapest. Instead, choose one that falls within your budget, but will deliver the best results possible. Also, contact a few hair restoration professionals to book consultations and then request a quote for the treatments they offer.

There are plenty of hair restoration methods to choose from. This includes surgical and non-surgical methods. Whatever route you decide to go down, make sure you find highly qualified hair restoration surgeon doctors in Minnesota. A skilled surgeon will discuss all of your options, the pros and cons of each option and how much you can expect to pay.

4 Tips to Prevent Your Pond Pump from Clogging Up

Pond pumps are responsible for circulating water in a pond and keeping it oxygenated. Over time, however, pond pumps can become clogged with debris such as leaves, twigs, and weeds. This can happen for a number of reasons. First, if the pond is located under trees, it is more likely to become clogged with leaves and other organic matter. Moreover, if the pond does not have a good filtration system, debris can build up over time. Most long-lasting pumps require regular cleaning to function better. Here are a few tips that you can follow to ensure that your pond pump doesn’t clog up frequently:

1. Vacuum the pond sludge

Sludge can clog your pond pump, thus diminishing its efficiency and potentially damaging the pump. One way to prevent this from happening is to vacuum up the pond sludge on a regular basis. This will not only keep the pond pump from clogging, but it will also improve water quality and prevent the build-up of harmful toxins. Additionally, vacuuming up pond sludge can also maintain proper water level, as well as prevent the formation of algae blooms. While it may take some effort to vacuum up pond sludge on a regular basis, it is well worth it in order to keep your pond pump functioning properly. If you can’t do it regularly, at least find time to do it once a week.

2. Use a pre-filter for your pond pump

The pond pump pre-filter prevents debris and other foreign objects from clogging up your pump, thus keeping the water circulating properly. As a result, your pond will have better oxygenation and filtration, and you’ll be able to enjoy it for years to come. The pre-filter can also prolong the life of your pump by preventing wear and tear. When shopping for a pre-filter, be sure to choose one that is specifically designed for use with pond pumps. This will ensure that it is the right size and has the proper fittings.

3. Remove floating debris

Debris can come in many forms, including leaves, twigs, and even dead fish. It’s important to remove floating debris from your pond on a regular basis to prevent the pump from clogging up. While some pond owners use nets to remove debris, this can be time-consuming and tedious. Instead, consider using a pond skimmer. A pond skimmer is a device that sits on the surface of the water and collects debris as it floats by. Skimmers are very effective at removing debris and are much easier to use than nets.

4. Soak your pond pump in vinegar

As any pond owner knows, a pump is essential for keeping the water clean. However, pumps can quickly become clogged with debris, making them less effective and even damaging the pump itself. An effective way to prevent this from happening is to soak the pond pump in vinegar. The vinegar will help to break down any debris that has accumulated on the pump, making it easier to remove. Soaking the pump in vinegar will also help to prevent new debris from accumulating. As a result, this simple process can keep your pond pump running smoothly for years to come. You can do this at least once in three months to keep your pond pump free from debris.

Keeping your pond pump clean is an important part of maintaining a healthy pond. Not only does it keep the water looking clear and pristine, but it also ensures that the pump is working properly and doesn’t experience any problems. Follow these simple steps to clean your pond pump and keep your pond looking great all season long!